Oh. Em. Gee, Ya'll! I am one of those girls who wants to do EVERYthing and ends up getting herself into a bit a tangle! This Challenge has been one of those things... Grrr!
This painting that I'm about to share felt the brunt of my distraction for sure! As you know, Amelia is entering 1st grade this coming week and as we had not heard from the school regarding Elliott's acceptance, we enrolled him into a private school instead and it is perfect for him!! I'm so excited! SO the scramble to get their school supplies is in full swing!!
I am looking forward to my free mornings to get out there and spread my artsy wings! This season is already so full of good things, I can't wait to share it all with you!
So back to the mermaids..lol... I did sketch a little before starting this one and I really wish I had fully sketched the idea out before starting this piece! On Wednesday we got to have an impromptu play date with Amelia's BFF... It is so fun to watch them together! They are both quirky and silly and love each other completely (insert heart bubbles and emojis here .)

I mean!! Can you stand it???
So... I was feeling the inspiration
for real!!
I picked out and sanded my pallet board, sketched my idea onto the board, got the paints ready... and got started! Here are some pics of the process...

I always start from dark to light... I'm still liking it at this point...

Here, something went wrong here...

Loving her!! Feeling I have captured "Z"' pretty well...

Is it just me or did she turn into a tube? Gah!!

I thought putting the pink tail behind would help... But the more I worked on it the worse it looked! I finally walked away from it, let it dry and completely sanded "Amelia" off and started her over!! I left "Z" as she totally captured the essence of my muse!

So... I finally felt that I had captured them BOTH! "Z" getting ready to show Amelia a flip she perfected while Amelia is zooming off to catch bubbles, but they are still connected... neither offended by the other being "off topic"! They make me smile!

I'm calling this one...
"Watch me flip!/ OOh Bubbles!"
Acrylic on Reclaimed Pallet Board
40" x 5.5"
(message me to purchase or click HERE)