It was inevitable. While I've been clinging to their sweet pink and blue infant clothes and staring at their baby pictures, my babies have turned into kids! Amelia's first week of Kindergarten has come and gone and we're starting week #2!
I'm adjusting.
After walking her to school this morning Elliott and I got out the paints! I got to work on a commission piece & a piece for the gallery. Elliott painted his favorite characters from Larry Boy from Veggietales to Blaze & the Monster Machines... He actually painted with me for almost 2 hours! Pretty good for a 3.5 year old I think :)

Plumeria Lime Kraken
5.5" x 40"
I had planned to fill the whole board with flowers and leafs, when I added the pink plumeria something told me to stop... so I did. :)

Had to walk home in the rain today. We had a blast! How was your first week of school? Leave your comments below! As always, feel free to forward, like and share with your friends!
Creatively yours,
Vashti Verschoor