With temps still in the high 80's, low 90's, it's hard to see that fall has arrived in central Florida! The last couple mornings, though, walking Amelia to school, I have felt a difference in the morning air! OK, so maybe it is wishful thinking, but I swear there is a coolness to the mornings that wasn't there last week!

This Sunday morning past, I received my acceptance letter from the Cocoa Beach Art Show!! I am so excited as this has been on my Bucket List for some years now!
I hope, if you are around town for the Thanksgiving weekend this year, that you'll come out and celebrate the season with me!!
I have working to build my inventory for all of the holiday shows and I find myself with a lovely little problem... The pieces I am painting are selling out!! The next couple pictures are of pieces that I painted this week and have sold, but you will get a glimpse of the style and direction I am going for this season..

You can see that roses have been added to the Dream Gardens, and boy do I LOVE the effect! It puts a girly twist on sport fishing, what do you think?
So the count down begins to the big Art Show in Cocoa Beach, but there is also the Cocoa Village Fall Show October 15th & 16th!
I am so ready to take on this next season! Thank you for following along! I am already getting requests for Christmas gifts, so don't be shy, it's NOT too early to get your special order on the books!

Creatively yours,
Vashti Verschoor