..and Summer is beginning! Amelia is finishing her year at kindergarten with 2 loose teeth! Elliott is eating us out of house and home and he's only 4 (whats gonna happen when he's a teenager?)! Lucy the Hound has been with us for 1 year and seems to like us a lot, in spite of Amelia's constant attempts to turn her into a horse!
I am finishing my project with this year's BBQ & Blues Awards just in the nick of time!
In addition to doing the awards, I will also have a booth!
I hope you all can make it out & let's kick off the Summer together!
I'm excited to say I have started up my Etsy shop again! Most of the pieces I post, will also be on display, locally at the gallery, but for those of you who live far away will get first look of all my new work that is posted there!
I will have a booth at the the event! I hope all of you can make it!