Today was Gallery Sunday, as many of you know already, it's my favorite day of the week! What a fun day today was! In spite of the over cast sky, there were lots of families out and about and lots of fun "talkers" ! I love fun conversations!
A couple of the Mermaids sold today, which is exciting!
A young woman bought Confetti to be a gift for her mom and Coral for herself <3... I cant wait to see where they end up!! (they promised to send me pics)...
I was able to paint 2 more little sea turtles and a little mermaid! How has your week gone?

Making Friends
5.5" x 3.5"
Acrylic on Shipping Pallet
please message me if you would like to purchase as she is not going on the Etsy shop and is already at the gallery as I painted her there :)