My family and I are hunkered down in our home here in Cocoa Florida. Our windows are boarded up, lawn furniture and trash cans, anything loose really, are tucked safely in the garage. This storm is HUGE! So far, things have progressed very slowly and given us enough time to prepare.

We still have power and I'm grateful for! Once power goes out our updates will be fewer and far between.
We are not afraid. We have done everything we can to prepare and be safe, now we wait! I DO wish I had grabbed another deck of cards and maybe UNO as we are already getting board with what we have 😄.
Today also happens to be my birthday...

So predict cake in our near future! If you are local, shoot me a message and let me know you're safe! I have posted video update on my FB page it is a public page and you do not need to log in to FB to veiw it 😊... I will update again in a couple days here on the blog.
Stay safe my friends! Big love! Vashti